Men can have a hard time letting other people know what they feel. Not knowing what a man feels for
you can be frustrating. After all, it’s not easy to assume that he has feelings for you or be the one to ask
the question.

A man could already like you but might not say it. When a man doesn’t say what he feels, this can cause
confusion and sometimes misunderstandings. If you know the signs he has strong feelings for you, you
might not have to wait for him to say it out loud.
You might be able to know what he feels and what he’s trying to say through his actions.

Signs a man has strong feelings for you
It can be common for a man to change when he’s in love.
Being in a situation where you’re ready to fall in love but unsure if the person you like has feelings for
you is hard. It’s completely natural to seek signs that confirm their emotions. Observing his actions,
listening to his words, and paying attention to subtle cues can help alleviate your doubts and provide
insights into his true feelings. Below are some signs that may help you read a man to see if he has strong
feelings for you.

He stares at you quite often
One of the possible signs he has feelings for you is when he can’t get his eyes off you. Every chance he
gets, he may look at you. This gaze can be intense, deep, and full of emotions. So don’t confuse the stare
with the type that can give you the creeps. If you catch a man while he is staring at you, he
might even smile and blush.
Deep inside, he might contemplate how he feels about you and how he could show you what you mean
to him.

He always wants to be close to you
A man with feelings for you may try to be close to you. He might choose to sit close to you, be your
teammate, tag along with a group event, etc. A man may not need to think long and hard about this. It
can happen naturally. He might take every opportunity to be close to the person he likes, which is
probably you in this case.

He’s not seeing anyone else
One of the potential signs he loves you is that he won’t be seeing anyone else when you’re already
dating. He may avoid trying to flirt or entertain anyone who does. When a man is in love, his focus might
be all yours. This can definitely be a sweet feeling when you both feel the same way.
He shows you his vulnerable side
As much as possible, a man may not let his guard down. However, if he has feelings for you and he trusts
you, he might start to show you his vulnerable side. He can even open up to you. A man with strong
feelings for you may drop guard and become less defensive in your presence.

He texts, calls, and chats with you all the time
One of the telltale signs he has strong feelings for you through texts and calls is when he constantly tries
to communicate with you. He may check on you regularly by texting or calling you. He might even chat
or text you when he wakes up, letting you know that you’re the first one he thinks about upon waking
Additionally, he may even send good morning and good night texts to let you know he is thinking about
you. You may even be the first to know if he has some good news.

He acts silly when he’s with you
The possible reasons for men acting weird when they are in love could be that they are confused and
trying to process their feelings, so they may sometimes act nervous, awkward, and even silly.

He tries to make you laugh
One of the possible signs he has strong feelings for you is when he tries to make you laugh. Now, you
may ask, why is that? When someone is important to you, all you want is for that person to be happy,
right? He might try his best to make you laugh because he may also feel happy if you’re happy.

He’s always smiling when you’re together
When someone is happy and in love, they can show that noticeable sparkle in their eyes. If you notice
your special someone smiling often and have that sparkle in his eyes, he may have feelings for you. Love
and affection can light up anyone’s mood. When someone is in love, happiness is something they may
experience a lot.

His friends know you
A man who already has feelings for you may have the urge to talk about you with his friends. He may
start a topic or tell stories about you. They may not hesitate to share how much they admire you, how
strong you are, etc., with their friends.
Don’t be surprised when his friends smile at you and comment, “Oh, so she’s the one!” This is one of the
psychological signs a man is in love.

His family knows you
Has your special someone introduced you to any of his family members? He may want his family to
know about you, like his friends.
He might not be too vocal, but he may still mention you when they are with their family, which can
mean something. Don’t be surprised if he asks you to come and eat lunch with his family one day.
That’s a lovely gesture, too.
He shares his childhood memories
When someone shares their childhood memories with you, it can be a sign he has strong feelings for
you. This gesture can reflect their profound trust and desire to connect with you, and hence, it can be
seen as one of the signs he is in love with you.

By revealing personal experiences and emotions from his past, he might aim to deepen your
understanding of his life and promote a closer, more meaningful bond between the two of you.
The conversation is deep
A man developing strong feelings for you may start loving the time you’re having conversations. It’s an
opportunity to get to know you more, and besides, everything about you becomes interesting for him.
There might no longer be small talk. Your conversations may now even consist of deep conversations. It
can include serious topics such as plans, finances, religious beliefs, etc.

He always compliments you
Compliments can be a man’s way to show you how he feels. He may praise your achievements, your
beliefs in life, your intelligence, and, of course, your beauty. Since he already has feelings, he may notice
every detail about you and appreciate them.
So, if a man is constantly praising you and giving you sweet compliments, this might be one of the signs
he has strong feelings for you long distance.

He feels jealous
One of the potential signs he has strong feelings for you is when he gets jealous. While he may not be
vocal about his feelings, a man’s actions can give you an idea about his feelings. If he has feelings for
you, he might be unable to control his reaction when he sees someone else trying to get your attention.
Did you notice his mood suddenly changed? Did he stop talking to you or reply with “K” or “Fine” texts?
It may help if you ask him and confirm his feelings.

He’s caring, even in public

How to know if a guy has feelings for you?
A man with genuine feelings for someone can show care, even in public. He may open the car door for
you, get the coffee, or do anything else to help you, which may indicate his feelings for you. While there
are men who are just plain gentlemen, a man who has feelings for you can go the extra mile. Your
instinct may tell you; you can feel it in his gestures. This is one of the true signs he likes you.

He’s very protective
When it comes to the signs, a guy has feelings for you; one of them could be him being protective of
you. He may go out of his way to help you, make things easier for you, and be there when you need him.
If you are looking for signs a guy has feelings for you, look for clear indications of his protectiveness
towards you and his interest in your overall well-being.

He surprises you with gifts
One of the sweetest gestures of men in love is they give unexpected gifts. It doesn’t need to be
expensive gifts. It could be a cup of coffee, a cupcake, a box of chocolates, or maybe a pack of your
favourite candies.
If a man, out of the blue, showers you with unexpected gifts, then there might be a chance he likes you.

He can spend time with you doing nothing
Does he try to be with you even though you have nothing to do? After talking or eating, you lie in bed or
watch movies but still have a good time. If you are smiling because you know you have been doing this
with your special someone, that’s already a sign for you! Keep in mind that even silence can be
enjoyable when you’re with the person you love.

He tells you his secrets
If you think telling you his childhood memories is sweet, wait till you hear some of his secrets. Why do
men do this? Aren’t they secretive? Well, they can be, but when he feels comfortable around you, and
he trusts you, he might be the one who may initiate this conversation. It can be his way of slowly
opening up to you and showing that he trusts and values you.
These conversations may reveal his commitment and desire for a lasting relationship.

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