In a bold move amidst mounting social media pressure, Hon Joel Ssenyonyi, the new Leader of Opposition (LoP0 in Parliament, has announced his decision to return a substantial shs 14 million had been allocated to him by the Parliamentary Commission.

The revelation comes amidst a widespread exhibition of leaked information regarding exorbitant payouts to former Leader of Opposition Hon Mathias Mpuuga, some Members of Parliament, the Speaker, and the Parliamentary Commission.
Ssenyonyi, known for his vocal stance against corruption, disclosed that he returned approximately substantial amount which had been deposited into his account.

The funds, he clarified, were intended to cover his per diem expenses during a visit to Nairobi to see a sick MP, Mohammad Ssegirinya. However, Ssenyonyi pointed out that he had only visited Ssegirinya for a single day, yet received payment for five days’ worth of per diem.
The decision to return the funds was prompted by the leaking of a payment slip on social media, indicating that Ssenyonyi had received a sum of 16 million Shillings sparking outrage.
Addressing the issue head-on, on Thursday at Parliament, Ssenyonyi emphasized the importance of accountability and transparency in public office, stating that he felt compelled to set an example by rectifying the discrepancy.
Shs 16 million was sent to Hon Ssenyonyi’s account
In a public statement, Ssenyonyi urged the Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among, to follow suit and reimburse any funds she allegedly received from the Parliamentary coffers.

The move by Ssenyonyi underscores the growing influence of social media in shaping public discourse and holding government officials accountable for their actions. It also highlights the ongoing struggle against corruption within Uganda’s political landscape, with citizens increasingly demanding transparency and ethical governance from their representatives.


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