Shumuk boss reclaims Prime city land, announces a Multi-billion Investment as Drek Lubega flees arrest. Kampala City Businessman, Drek Lubega is reportedly on run as he fears arrest over an attempt to grab and fraudulently take over a city prime plot belonging to the Shumuk Group Ltd. The Plot marked M26 located on Mukabya Road has been a subject of a protracted court battle between Shumuk Group Ltd through their subsidiary Company Middle North Agencies and late Haruna Semakula formerly of big Ways Ltd.

It is alleged that, recently Drake Lubega attempted to grab the said plot of land and claim ownership for it after conniving with one of the sons as the beneficiaries of the estate of late Haruna Ssmakula (formerly Big Ways) Mr Omar Semakula (also deceased now). Drake’s claims were apparently based on the fact that he paid the late Omar Semakula close to 600,000D to claim ownershop of the plot illegally. However, his attempts to take possession of the same failed 3 times as Shumuk put up a show defending their rights to ownership of the said plot. 

More on this, Drama later ensued in the subsequent months after the failed attempts, over 8 people were arrested and charged in court and sent to Luzira, all believed to be agents of Drake Lubega. On this development, undeterred by Drake’s moves, Shumuk Group Boss Shukla Mukesh, during a Press conferece a couple of days ago, he revealed full possession of the same plot of land. During this media brief, Mukesh explained how their sub-sidiary company Middle North Agencies Ltd, were in full possession of the Plot marked M24/26 Mukabya road formerly Plot M454/459. He stressed how they have been battling to claim ownership for it in courts of law for nearly 3 decades (a record 36yrs) with the family of the estates of the late Haruna Semakula formerly of Big Ways Ltd. Mr. Mukesh also highlighted that, as if this was not enough, their company paid 150million to the eldest daughter of late Haruna (Aisha Semakula) as a holder of letters of administrative body from family as compensations while late battling with bad health in presence of late tycoon of BMK Mr. Kibirigye at hotel africana with consent also filed in court 2017/18.

Shumuk further revealed that, now that they are in full possession, they will embark on full development of the plot hence fourth-with. “I’d like to announce officially to all members of the Press and public that our Group investments ‘The Shumuk Group Ltd’, are now in full possession and ownership of the plot M26 Mukabya road, that is adjuscent to our Shumuk factory in Nakawa”, Shumuk Group Boss stated. He added that, “Having acquired a lease for this plot on February 12th, 1987 from KCC then, Shumuk is and has been the bonafied lease owners and proprietors of Plot M24/26 on Mukabya road and I want to categorically state that the title deeds as well as the new leases to this plot from now the KCCA are all in our subsidiary company names of Middle North Agencies Ltd”, he added. “We are in full possession of a new lease offered to us by the KCCA thus this should serve to put to rest the debate on this properyty’s lease ownership questions and querries as we are now the legitimate and bonafide owners having embarked on full development of the said plot” he explained. Additionally Mukesh said, “Following this all new lease offer,we are now the registered owners and are in full possession. We have already sealed off the place” Mr. Mukesh bragged. It was from this instance he said, they would be announcing their new up-coming projects and developments at the site as they have already sealed off with iron sheets, but hastened to add that all the plans would be in line with their expansion proggrammes and adding value to the now all-new Nakawa industrial zone that has seen treamendous industrialization and new scope of investments over the years.

The said land that in disputed measures about one acre and According to Mr. Mukesh, the row over this land had halted Shumuk Group’s planned Shs 20bn investment. He submitted that Shumuk wanted to extend and expand on their line of investments by setting up a washing-line for aluminum products and related developments. “We have been having plans to develop this prime plot to accommodate several projects under the Shumuk brand name,” he said. He cried out how since 2002 they acquired a high-tech plant machinery meant for the new aluminum utensils washing line,a mineral water plant, and a plastics recycling facility, unfortunately the plant machinery has remained un-attended to this day and has been lying idle at their maiden Shumuk factory. 

He further noted, however, they want to look at the brighter side of things now, at the end of the day there’s light at the end of the tunnel, “We want to focus on more prospects for now rather than looking at the past, we are greatful for the court processes” he added. He went on to commend courts of law saying that, “This is a clear case scenario that justice delayed is not justice denied,we are very greatful,” Shumuk Boss commented.


• The dispute for Plot M24/M26 Mukabya road dates back to 1987 when the then KCC awarded Shumuk through their subsidiary Middle North Agencies the original leasehold titles for the said plot which is adjacent to the Shumuk Group factory to carry out developments on the plot.

• In 1999 the late Hajj Semakula of the defunct former Big Ways was also issued an alternative lease in error by KCC that Mukesh contested in a suit.

• In 2001, Justice Patrick Tabaro made a ruling in favor of Shumuk/Middle North Agencies Ltd after conducting a site visit of the land. However, he asked Mukesh to compensate Semakula but the latter filed a fresh suit in 2003.

• However, Mukesh filed an appeal and as both parties awaited the outcome of the appeal, Mukesh expressed frustration at the delayed court process.

• Meanwhile, Shumuk requested KCC to place a caveat on the plot, stopping Semakula from taking possession of the plot until the appeal was heard and determined. And the company possesses free hold tittle since 2015 cleared by ministry of land and land divisions Statehouse. 

• On December 13th, 2022, Businessman Drake Lubega was arrested by Police Investigations department at Kibuli and later released on bond and his duties were Businessman Godfrey Kirumira and Adam Ainebyona.

• To this day, no proper development had been carried out on the said plot apart from a make-shift washing bay and an eating joint run by a few youths and women in the area. However after hearing of the Appeal the Nakawa court later on now went on to award the plot back to Shumuk who have now sealed off the plot to pave way for their new investments and expansion plans.

• Among other factors Shumuk was also planning to put up a state of the art machinery to boost on their export zone.


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