Rekindling love after it’s lost is no easy feat for anyone and to make things more complicated, there’s no
rulebook on how to win her back. How is she feeling? Will flowers and chocolate steal her heart? Should
you play it cool? Maybe you just need to be honest.
Although we can’t help you figure out exactly what she’s thinking or the perfect words to say, we can
give you some guidance for getting it right on round two. We surveyed over 1,000 people about their
experiences getting back together with an ex. Read on to discover tips, tricks and surprising stats from
the experts on just how to get your ex-girlfriend back!
How to win her back
We have you covered with everything you need to know about how to win her back below:
Determine if she still cares about you
Before you search for different ways to learn how to win someone back after hurting them, you need to
find out if she still cares. This is important because the chances that she’ll forgive you are high if you still
have a space in her heart. But, if she has made it clear that she doesn’t want anything to do with you, it’s
best not to continue.
Give her space
After you’ve determined that she still cares for you, what you need to do next is to give her space. That
means not doing anything is a way to learn how to win her back after hurting her. This is the hardest yet
most important part.
Work on yourself
At this point, you’ve likely seen positive changes in your life by being a strong individual. Next, continue
working on yourself by improving other life aspects such as your mentality, attitude, and looks. An
effective method of showing your good side is by making yourself better. Moreover, this change should
be for yourself and not your partner.
Think about your relationship
In trying to win her back, you need to think about your relationship. You can ask yourself what was right
or wrong in your relationship and how you can prove to her that you’ll be a better partner if she gives
you another chance.
Be happy in your current life
It’s challenging or sometimes even impossible to feel happy when you want your ex back. However,
there are some things that you can do to feel happy now. The first thing you have to do is accept things
as they are.
Don’t be too affectionate
Showing that you’re strong and clear with your limits can be an effective way to learn how to win her
back after hurting her. She will likely find you more attractive when she sees your strong side. When too

much affection, such as calling consistently or sending long messages, is given, this can make you look
Set realistic expectations.
It’s not going to be a walk in the park to get back together with a lost lover. It might be even more
difficult than you had first assumed. In fact, only 23% of women said that they would get back together
with an ex, so you’ll want to be sure you get it right the second time around. There’s no room for error
Practice a few jokes.
Your first thought may be to approach the situation seriously with a thought-out plan. We found that
the best way to win a woman over is by making her laugh. As a matter of fact, women value someone
who can make her laugh 10% more than men do. It’s time to pull out that joke book.
Consider your differences.
What might win your heart over may not be the same thing that’ll win hers. Surprisingly enough, men
are more likely to be won over with compliments and gifts. They also value the impressions of their
friends and family more than women do. It’ll be important to consider your differences for a successful
rekindling of love.
Make a thoughtful gesture instead of a materialistic one.
Your best bet is to be sincere. We found that women are less likely to be impressed with materialistic
gestures like an unforgettable date or gifts, but are more likely to be won over by someone who can
make her laugh, help out with errands or offer a sincere compliment. Make sure that you know the
proper way to her heart.
Be honest.
It’s been said that honesty is the best policy and women would have to agree. We asked women what
quality they value most in a significant other and their top answer by far with 43% was honesty.
Rebuild your relationship on friendship.
We found that women also place high value on the friendship of a significant other and 19% answered
that this is the quality they value most. Make sure you can be a shoulder for her to lean on and the
soulmate she knows she can confide in.
Don’t worry so much about being mature and empathetic.
Sure, these two qualities probably won’t hurt you in the long run, but don’t spend too much time
worrying about them. Our survey shows that maturity and empathy are the two qualities women value
least in a significant other.
Factor in age.
Age isn’t just a number and it can affect your chances at winning her back. We found that younger
people are actually more likely to get back together with an ex than older people are. Older women

value honesty 24% more than younger women do and younger women value a sense of humor 15%
more than older women do. Keep age in mind when you’re thinking how to win your ex back.
Don’t be quick to give up.
Just another reminder that it’s not going to be easy, but it can be worth it. No relationship, whether it’s
with your ex or someone new, is going to be easy all the time. Don’t expect relationships to always be
easy and comfortable.
It may be hard, but there’s hope.
Don’t get too discouraged. According to a recent study, about 37% of couples living together and 23% of
married couples have broken up and then gotten back together again.


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