KAMPALA – Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities Hon. Tom Butime alongside Tourism minister Hon. Martin Mugarra Bahinduka and superstar Bebe Cool commissioned the new Kikorongo Equator Line Point and Monument in Kasese.

This was part of the World Tourism Day celebrations that took place on Friday.

The new equator monument is an exciting development for both locals and tourists as it’s close to Queen Elizabeth National Park. This new landmark replaces the previous structure, which had failed to captivate the interest of passersby.

Hon Butime said the revamped monument aims to attract more visitors, encouraging them to pause for memorable photo opportunities before continuing their journey to the national park.

Bebe Cool, who was chosen as the celebrity of this year’s Tourism Day celebrations, called upon Ugandans to explore their country more and particularly to visit this equator monument.

The equator, an imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, passes through only a few countries globally, and Uganda is one of the fortunate ones.

This geographical marvel offers unique opportunities for tourists to experience standing on both hemispheres simultaneously. The newly established monument at Kikorongo Kasese promises to enhance this experience with its more appealing design and strategic location.

This site is now poised to become a must-visit spot for anyone travelling to Queen Elizabeth National Park, one of Uganda’s most popular tourist destinations.


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