Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of ICT, Dr Aminah Zawedde

Kampala – Barely a fortnight since Trade Ministry Permanent Secretary Geraldine Ssali was sent to the Luzira coolers, scandal has rocked another top Ministry Official amid efforts to push for contract renewal.

Reports reaching this site indicate that hell broke loose after Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of ICT, Dr Aminah Zawedde express interest in the renewal of contract following the expiry of her tenure on June 31, 2024.

A reliable source at the ICT Ministry revealed that PS Zawedde wrote to the appointing authority, President Museveni seeking contract renews

“On receiving the request, cautious President Museveni  tasked Public Service Commission to assess PS Zawedde’s performance to guide on whether to renew her contract or not,” revealed a source who preferred to remain anonymous.

Zawedde was appointed PS ICT Ministry in June 2021, replacing Vincent Bagiire who was transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The forensic investigation at the Ministry of ICT comes at a time senior government officials and lawmakers are being jailed over corruption-related offences.

Leaked insights indicate the Auditor General (AG) is investigating circumstances under which the PS Zawedde sanctioned payment of almost Shs 1bn to procure a vehicle from a city car bond

On August 31, 2022, PS Zawedde paid Cadam Enterprises UGX965m for the supply of a Toyota Land Cruiser LC 300 VX to the Ministry of ICT.

The reference number for the car purchase was PP1028377.

The controversial purchase is among several payments the AG has flagged as suspicious and asked for detailed information from Zawedde.

On May 31, 2024, the AG wrote to Zawedde to furnish its office with information regarding various payments dating from as far back as 2021.

“Reference is made to the ongoing Forensic Investigation at the Ministry of Information Communications Technology and National Guidance, covering several aspects including Management of Non-Tax Revenue that is collected by Uganda Communications Commission,” wrote James Bantu, Director of Audit – Forensic Investigations and IT Audits.

“The purpose of this communication is to request for the following information that has not been provided to-date; All payment instructions, payment vouchers and related accountabilities relating to transactions utilizing the NTR, in the financial year 2020/21 and all procurement records in regard to the transactions listed in appendix 2a, 2b and 2c,” he added.

Toyota Land Cruiser LC 300 VX

However, a close associate, who preferred not to be named over privacy concerns, observed: “What I have heard is that the cars that were purchased were done so through adherence to the government of Uganda procurement.”

The associate further explained: “That was part payment for two cars. And the procurements were made following the procurement process. No issue has been raised about that procurement.”

However, insiders told this investigative website that the Shs 950m payment has been a subject of police and Auditor General’s investigation since 2023.

Indeed, in his letter to Zawedde, Bantu said: “Whereas the investigation Team has received significant information requested during the exercise, some key information is missing and has thus hampered the conclusion of the exercise.”

In efforts to get a better portrait, we contacted several car dealerships in Kampala for the cost of a brand new Toyota Land Cruiser LC 300 VX. Many said the cost can vary but can’t go beyond Shs 650m.

Cornered, Zawedde’s associate said the payment was for two vehicles.

But a close scrutiny of payments authorised by Zawedde over the last three years show the second vehicle (Station Wagon) was separately purchased at Shs 450m from Cadam Enterprises much later in August 2023.

The Station Wagon payment’s reference number was PP1029460.

More so, the associate could not share details of the beneficiaries of the vehicles; their registration number plates and where they are deployed.

Informed officials said apart from the abnormal amount of money authorised by Zawedde to procure the vehicle, the government does not buy cars from car bonds.


Zawedde’s associate said he heard that Cadam was an authorized Toyota dealer and participated, along other providers, in the procurement process.

“I heard that Cadam has supplied other MDAs before.”

However, by 2022 when Zawedde paid for the vehicles from Cadam Enterprises, the government had not yet opened space for the supply of new motor vehicles by car bonds.

Government was procuring brand new vehicles from manufacturer-authorised agents such as CFAO Motors Uganda (formerly Toyota Uganda), Spear Motors and Motorcare among others.

As such, CFAO Motors Uganda was at the time the exclusive manufacturer-authorised distributor of brand-new Toyota Vehicles and genuine parts in Uganda.

Other payments being investigated by the Auditor General include payments amounting to Shs 4bn to a private television in Kampala.


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